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Orphanage - Kick lyrics

Brothers from the same ground as where our Father's died.
We said the world farewell but still we lived to see.
How everyone forgot what went wrong with this regime.
Maybe you think I preach but I predict to thee
Where's your sanity young man? Where's your sense to feel?
You're time will come. You will succumb.
I don't understand why do you ignore?
Fascist pigs causing shit like they did before.
Where's your sanity young man? Where's your sense to feel?
Don't hold your breath. You'll feel my wrath.
I'll kick your fucking ass!
Choices made in life. You know it's plain to see.
Different views, black and white, there will always be.
Blinded by our fear, we live reality.
But what I see, Deaf Dumb Blind, I don't want to be.
Where's your sanity young man? Where's your sense to feel?
Your time will come. You will succumb.
Keep avoiding while you can. Then you won't get hurt.
Don't hold your breath. You'll feel my wrath.
I'll kick your fucking ass!
Stay out. Out of the shade.
One way. One way to see.
The joys.
The griefs.
The pain.
The pleasures.
The boy that leaves the strain unseen.
Sometimes it might seem it's just a waste of time.
Deaf ears don't listen to what I have to say.
Step up and act now to guarantee you won
Gotta change your ways. So damn you if you don
Where's your sanity young man? Where's your sense to feel?
You're time will come. You will succumb.
Keep avoiding while you can. Then you won't get hurt.
Don't hold your breath. You'll feel my wrath.
I'll kick your fucking ass!
Songs list of album: Inside (2000)
         Title Rating
01   Inside lyrics   -
02    The Stain Remains lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   Grip lyrics   -
04   Twisted Games lyrics   -
05   Pain lyrics   -
06    Deal with the Real lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Behold lyrics   -
08    Weakness of Flesh lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Kick lyrics   -
10   Drag You Down lyrics   -
11    From the Cradle to the Grave lyrics Add lyrics   -

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