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Anorexia Nervosa - Black Death, Nonetheless lyrics

[Lyrics by RMS Hreidmarr]

Make love with chaos, once in a lifetime...
I've seen the son of the man
He came to save the ones who were lost
Fathers shall not be condemned to death for the sons
Neither shall sons for their fathers
And everyone shall die for his own sin.

Holy me, blessed be
Arisen in the ASA glory
ASA, Sahasrar shall abolish the man in me
Black Death, nonetheless...

Black Death, nonetheless
Black Death for me
For my disease is carrying all the sins of humanity
For my death shall be the negation of your miserable existence
I was talking with Lucipher yesterday
He said he loved you, monkeys

He's the only one who cares about you, masses
I don't care, don't give a good goddamn
May you all die, bunch of pigs
Wish I was dead and crucified too

Stigmatized by your weak, ignorant moral
My body's raped and desecrated by your innoncent newborn sons
God, their flesh tastes so good

Flagrance of the Apokalypse
Lucipher was born a long time after me
And you love to gently caress his perfect hair
What a beautiful child you have, Madame

Ah, comme je peux hair tous ces miserables assemblages de chair
Ces relations faibles et repugnantes
Mais comment ne pas vomir sur ces corps abjects
Ces tripes fumantes enlacees ?
Ah, si seulement je pouvais broyer toute cette viande pourrie
Dechiqueter ces putains d'esprits
Expulser leurs fluides, leurs ames, toute cette atroce puanteur
Ah comme je peux hair celui qui a ose les creer
Je lui ferais bouffer toutes ces creatures
Jusqu'a ce qu'il en creve
Et qu'enfin je retrouve la sphere divine
Vierge et immaculee

Car Dieu m'a dit... toute vie doit cesser...
Songs list of album: New Obscurantis Order (2001)
         Title Rating
01   Mother Anorexia lyrics   -
02    Chatiment de La Rose lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   Black Death, Nonetheless lyrics   -
04   Stabat Mater Dolorosa lyrics   -
05    Le Portail de La Vierge lyrics Add lyrics   -
06    The Altar of Holocausts lyrics Add lyrics   -
07    Hail Tyranny lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    Ordo AB Chao (The Scarlet Communion) lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Solitude lyrics   -

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