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Composer: Immolation

Immolation - Sinful Nature lyrics

Our course is our own, I know we're to blame
We're born into shame, to live in despair

I feel such pity for what we've become
Our needs and desires...our weakness, our pain

Our need to fulfil, the urges we feel
It weakens our will, it brings us great pain

A flood of hatred surges inside
Control it, deny it...let it run free

I can't run away...I can't hide from myself
It is what I is what we are

Do you think you are the chose
Do you think you are the few
Look around and see...pathetic human beasts
We have written our own ending

How can we live with ourselves
Our jealousy, our tyranny
The lives we make, the lives we take
The fools we serve, the fools we are

Brazen in our final days
Our time on top is near on end
It's clear to me we'll never change
It's clear that I will never change
The tragedy of life we live
The tragedy of life we'll see
We call it human nature
The seducer of mankind

Our course is our own, I know we're to blame
We're born into shame, to live in despair
A flood of hatred surges inside
Control it, deny it...let it run free

I can't run away...I can't hide from myself
It is what I is what we are
Look around and see...pathetic human beasts
We have written our own ending

How can we live with ourselves
Our jealousy, our tyranny
The lives we make, the lives we take
The fools we serve, the fools we are
Songs list of album: Unholy Cult (2002)
         Title Rating
01    Of Martyrs, And Men lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Sinful Nature lyrics   -
03   Unholy Cult lyrics   -
04    Wolf Among the Flock lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Reluctant Messiah lyrics   -
06   A Kingdom Divided lyrics   -
07    Rival the Eminent lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Bring Them Down lyrics   -

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