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Shadows Fall - Eternal lyrics

Past the winds of your morality
Behind yourslves the sands ran through
They are the last ones to do action that brings comfort around you
Nothing will be theirs to defend by they don't even bother to make it start
Lies all around you is what you prove
Wasting away to nothing inside of you
All that which then rang true
Lies and deception now show through
Faith and belief in what was real can't be found in an emtpy shell
Now as I watch your back
I see your unity is a joke
I'll take what is real over empty promises and lies
I've not given away... to the hate at all
In the hands of someone who appreciates..from this vile heart
I pay such a price...death's face
I've not given the hate at all
In the hands of someone who appreciates..from this vile heart
I pay such a price
Darkness left, wings of life drenched in blood
Coming from your action creates a reaction
Left within your brain, cannot sustain.
Coming from your action creates a reaction
Left within your brain, cannot sustain
Those that I would call my friends whatever you gave that idea
Did they ever do anything for you without the promise of something in return?
Vanity and false humility allowed to take control of their lives
But to walk with no others, with no regrets and search through emptiness of my life
Coming from your action creates a reaction
Left within your brain, cannot sustain
Songs list of album: Somber Eyes to the Sky (1998)
         Title Rating
01    Revel in My Loss lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Pure lyrics   -
03    Lead Me Home lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   To Ashes lyrics   -
05   Nurture lyrics   -
06   Fleshold lyrics   -
07   Eternal lyrics   -
08    Suffer the Season lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Somber Angel lyrics   -
10   Lifeless lyrics   -

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