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Composer: The Levellers

The Levellers - Warning lyrics

(I don't have to tell you things are bad,
everyone knows it; it's a depression.
Crowds are running wild in the streets,
but nobody anywhere seems to know
what to do with them
-- now listen ...
You know the air is unfit to breath
, our food is unfit to eat.
We know things are bad,
worse than bad; T
hey're crazy,
it's like everything everywhere
is going crazy
so we don't go out anymore.
We sit in the house and slowly
the world we're living in is getting smaller
and all we say is
Songs list of album: Levellers (1994)
         Title Rating
01   Warning lyrics   -
02    100 Years of Solitude lyrics Add lyrics   -
03    The Likes of You and I lyrics Add lyrics   -
04    Is This Art? lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Dirty Davey lyrics   -
06   This Garden lyrics   -
07   Broken Circles lyrics   -
08   Julie lyrics   -
09   The Player lyrics   -
10   Belaruse lyrics   -

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