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#  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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Composer: Bruce Dickinson, Roy Z

Bruce Dickinson - Change of Heart lyrics

Here I sit
At a window
The rain
Falls down
On the class
In the cold
All my life
I've been waiting
For a moment
It never came
Maybe never will
Ah,sometimes I don't know

Those days are gone
Now I hide where I just can't say
I'm still watching your tears
As They fall to the ground

You, you're walking away
You couldn't stay
You need a change of heart
You, you're walking away
You couldn't stay
You need a change of heart

Trees are bare - The earth it is hard
I wait ,for winter - Soft winter and snow.
Songs list of album: Alive in Studio A (1995)
         Title Rating
01   Cyclops lyrics   -
02   Shoot All the Clowns lyrics   -
03   Son of a Gun lyrics   -
04   Tears of the Dragon lyrics   -
05   1000 Points of Light lyrics   -
06   Sacred Cowboys lyrics   -
07   Tattooed Millionaire lyrics   -
08   Born in '58 lyrics   -
09   Fire lyrics   -
10   Change of Heart lyrics   -
11   Hell No lyrics   -
12   Laughing in the Hiding Bush lyrics   -
13   Cyclops lyrics   -
14   1000 Points of Light lyrics   -
15   Born in '58 lyrics   -
16   Gods of War lyrics   -
17   Change of Heart lyrics   -
18   Laughing in the Hiding Bush lyrics   -
19   Hell No lyrics   -
20   Tears of the Dragon lyrics   -
21    Shoot All the Cowboys lyrics Add lyrics   -
22   Sacred Cowboys lyrics   -
23   Son of a Gun lyrics   -
24   Tattooed Millionaire lyrics   -

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