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Rating:  Not rated
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Composer: Rufio, Scott Sellers, Jon Berry

Rufio - Pirate lyrics

RUFIO - Pirate


Let's kill the playlist
All the same bands
So repetitious
Denying us the freedom we deserve
Will someone tell my why we even listen?
Airwaves are filled with repeition
What ever happened to selection?
Tune in and they will waste your time
Is anybody bored yet?
They've got you by their strings again tonight
So quick to find that dollar in the sky
Follow new trends
Be sure you get it right
It's the same sounds
And the same songs
Watch the music change before your eyes
We need to see through the disguise
Songs list of album: MCMLXXXV (1985) (2003)
         Title Rating
01   Countdown lyrics   -
02   White Lights lyrics   -
03   Science Fiction lyrics   -
04    Why Wait? lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   We Exist lyrics   -
06   Follow Me lyrics   -
07   Control lyrics   -
08   Set It Off lyrics   -
09   Decency lyrics   -
10   Pirate lyrics   -
11   Goodbye lyrics   -
12   Over It lyrics   -

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