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Composer: Chevelle, Pete Loeffler

Chevelle - The Clincher lyrics


I'll stand for nothing less
Or never stand again
These are the limits when one's buried
This body's left the soul

Could we have known
Never would I, have helped to nail down

Careful of drifting off
Now losing taste and touch
Turning a pale blue, leading in the say
This body's left the soul

The brain needs oxygen
Can't sneak around this bait
His catacomb has got me by the chin
This body's left the soul

Could we have known
Never would I, have helped to nail down
With nothing to gain
Here's the clincher, this should be you
Now saturate, now saturate, now saturate, now saturate, and touch
Now saturate, now saturate, now saturate, the earth
Now saturate, now saturate, now saturate, the earth

Now could we have known
Never would I, have helped to nail down
With nothing to gain
Here's the clincher, this should be you, made cold and crippled
This happened to be, never changing
Holding inside, the phobia viewed, made cold and crippled, ending it all

Now saturate, now saturate, now saturate, the earth
Now saturate, now saturate, now saturate, the earth
Songs list of album: This Type of Thinking (Could Do Us In) (2004)
         Title Rating
01   The Clincher lyrics   -
02   Get Some lyrics   -
03   Vitamin R (Leading Us Along) lyrics   -
04   Still Running lyrics   -
05   Breach Birth lyrics   -
06   Panic Prone lyrics   -
07   Another Know It All lyrics   -
08   Tug-O-War lyrics   -
09   To Return lyrics   -
10   Emotional Drought lyrics   -
11    Bend the Bracket lyrics Add lyrics   -

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