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Breaking Pangaea - Walrus lyrics

How will I know how it could be?

How can I tell which way to be?

When there is no one I believe and there is only sympathy.

Hey there, looks like you left your home behind.

Into my life, over the sea when the cry breaks, that's where I'll be.

And there is no one I believe and there is only sympathy.

Hey there, looks like you left your home behind.

Lay there, wait for me.

Wait for me,

you tell me now what should I do if I haven't got time for you?
Songs list of album: Cannon to a Whisper (2001)
         Title Rating
01   Sick Day lyrics   -
02   Wedding Dress lyrics   -
03   Suspended lyrics   -
04   Skylight lyrics   -
05    For a Word lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   The New Sound lyrics   -
07    ...And Still They Hated It lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Part lyrics   -
09   Walrus lyrics   -
10   Turning lyrics   -

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