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Composer: The Faint

The Faint - Symptom Finger lyrics

don't admint you're sick
let your fit body bury it
the faintness that you feel is nothing permanent
don't buy the sickness on TV
You want the health, they want the fee
you see the adds and start to think, "I feel it coming on."

no no target market television
symptom finger
I'm gonna shut it off
gonna down all the power
I'm a doctor today
I'm curing viewers by thousands

don't admit you're sick
let your fit body bury it
the faintness that you feel is nothing permanent
you open up and let them in
it's nothing conscious
what is this?
I feel a burning in my eye
it's from the television lights

slow slow it down, wait, now decide
okay, I'm gonna shut it off
down all the power
I'm a doctor today
I'm curing viewers by thousands

do you have to get the shit they sell?
the pills that fix the way you feel
now that they've shown you what to get
you feel it coming on

low, low, lowdown high paid
primetime capsule maker
sickness lover
I'm gonna shut if off
down all the power
Im a doctor today
I'm curing viewers by thousands
Songs list of album: Wet from Birth (2004)
         Title Rating
01   Desperate Guys lyrics   -
02   How Could I Forget lyrics   -
03    Disappear lyrics Add lyrics   -
04    Southern Belles in London Sing lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Erection lyrics   -
06   Paranoiattack lyrics   -
07    Dropkick the Punks lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Phone Call lyrics   -
09   Symptom Finger lyrics   -
10   Birth lyrics   -

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