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Composer: Warren Zanes

Warren Zanes - First on the Moon lyrics

what of those golden days? I heard they don't want you in the world
you made so much for all the rage do people get burned out even on the
humble phase? what of

hope and what of gloom when the glow has left the room? first on the
moon knew every girl who crossed the room first in the stars broke every
bottle in the bar the ribbons

are blue first on the moon what of that endless space the money you
burned up trying to gild her cage? was it one endless face parades to
pawn shops? you paved the way

what of hope and what of gloom when the glow has left the room? first on
the moon knew every girl who crossed the room first in the stars broke
every bottle in the bar the

ribbons are blue first on the moon so if you see my face and I'm
downtown looking backwards still wincing from the days of you he had to
have you too and you had no idea

of the phases of the moon you had no idea did you?
Songs list of album: Memory Girls (2002)
         Title Rating
01   Everybody Loves You lyrics   -
02    Sidewalk Sales lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   First on the Moon lyrics   -
04   World of Concrete lyrics   -
05   Did You Recognize My Love? lyrics   -
06   Where We Began lyrics   -
07    Have You Once Recalled the Day? lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   If You Could Stay lyrics   -
09   Scrapbook lyrics   -
10   Hey Girl lyrics   -
11   Main Street lyrics   -
12    When the World Gets Week lyrics Add lyrics   -

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