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Composer: Dan Bern

Dan Bern - Oh Sister lyrics

They look for the missing link
There's no missing link
They'll never find the missing link
There's no missing link
We're not something you can figure out with an equation
We are the genetic muation
Aliens came and fucked the monkey, they fucked the monkey
Aliens came and fucked the monkey, they fucked the monkey
Darwin tried explaining it, Darwin did the best he could
Evolution, pretty theory,
But how could Darwin know
That aliens came and fucked the monkey, they fucked the monkey
Aliens came and fucked the monkey, they fucked the monkey
How else explain fax machines
How else explain computer enhancement
How else explain fiber optics
How else explain Mozart
We do not belong here, this planet was a terrarium
Intergalactic broken home, have to go to outer space
And one day find our daddy-
How else explain pay at the pump
How else explain limited access freeways
How else explain digital remastering
Plastic flowers, linoleum, beefalo
Michael Jordan
Religion, astronomy, astrology
That looks to the stars
We do not belong here
This planet was a terrarium
Seven billion bastards
Screaming for our daddy
Aliens came and fucked the monkey, they fucked the monkey
Aliens came and fucked the monkey, they fucked the monkey
Songs list of album: Fifty Eggs (1998)
         Title Rating
01   Tiger Woods lyrics   -
02   One Thing Real lyrics   -
03   No Missing Link lyrics   -
04   Oh Sister lyrics   -
05    Cure for AIDS lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Chick Singers lyrics   -
07    Different Worlds lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    Everybody's Baby lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   One Dance lyrics   -
10   Jesus Freak lyrics   -
11   Monica lyrics   -
12   Rolling Away lyrics   -

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