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Composer: Blake Sennett, Lewis, Jenny

Rilo Kiley - Small Figures in a Vast Expanse lyrics

let's try a new change
let's try a new change
let's try a new change
then we'll go on back to the old one
like we've done so many times before

and i'll buy a new brain
i'll buy a new brain
you'll administer new pain
then we'll go on back to our old school
that we left so many times before

and you'll ask for more
and more

i've just begun a new phase
i'm trying these days
i've watched you close
i'm versed in all your ways
i'm just beginning to realize
i'll get you one of these days

but in the end
if it was all pretend
isn't that what friends are for?
but this is real life
it's supposed to be real life
so let's pretend that we're not bored
that we exist and that we're resolved
to real things happening to me

2, 3, 4
Songs list of album: Take Offs and Landings (2001)
         Title Rating
01   Go Ahead lyrics   -
02   Science vs. Romance lyrics   -
03   Wires and Waves lyrics   -
04   Pictures of Success lyrics   -
05   August lyrics   -
06   Bulletproof lyrics   -
07   Plane Crash in C lyrics   -
08    Science vs. Romance (Variations on A Theme) lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Small Figures in a Vast Expanse lyrics   -
10   Don't Deconstruct lyrics   -
11   Always lyrics   -
12   We'll Never Sleep (God Knows We'll Try) lyrics   -
13   Rest of My Life lyrics   -
14    Plane Crash in C (Variations on A Theme) lyrics Add lyrics   -

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