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Eleventeen - Lost Years lyrics

And this has been my life. Just waiting, for you to realize all that you have left behind. And this has been my life. Just waiting, for you to take responsibility and call me son. Something's can't be taken back and something's can't be changed. Time is running out and so have all my tears and something must be done to make up all of these years. Time is running out and so have all my tears and something must be done to make up all the lost years. You're hiding at my knees, I'm jaded. And if this is how it's gonna be I'm giving up. I'm willing to forgive my hatred. I'll throw it all away erase it from my memory. Something's can't be taken back. Something's can't be changed. Time is running out and so have all my tears and something must be done to make up all of these years. Time is running out and so have all my tears and something must be done to make up all the lost years; the lost years. Something, must be done to make up all of these lost years and I've been waiting for you to do it, you can't make up for these lost, you can't make up, you can't make for these lost years, you can't make for these lost years.
Songs list of album: Everything I've Ever Wanted to Say (200)
         Title Rating
01    Hit the Road lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Old Shoes lyrics   -
03    Fyc lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   The First Moment lyrics   -
05    Let's Go for a Ride lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   So Long (Goodbye) lyrics   -
07   I Stand Corrected lyrics   -
08   Evermore lyrics   -
09   Reviving Ophelia lyrics   -
10   Behind Closed Doors lyrics   -
11   These Scars lyrics   -
12   Lost Years lyrics   -
13   Tragedy lyrics   -
14    Different World lyrics Add lyrics   -

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