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Eleventeen - Old Shoes lyrics

And I saw it coming up like a freight train
And I saw it coming like no one was to blame
And you have been there for me so many years
Encouraged me, caught my tears

And I know it's so hard,
Walking in these old shoes,
And I know it's not going to get easy soon
Know it's so hard,
Walking in these old shoes,
And I know

If you need some shoulder
I'll be there for you if you can't walk on your two feet,
You have been there for me for so many years
Encouraged me, caught all my tears
So many knives in my back,
You're my only friend
And now the table's turned,
You've been let down
And now the table's turned,
And you've been let down

And I know it's so hard,
Walking in these old shoes,
And I know it's not going to get easy soon
Know it's so hard,
Walking in these old shoes,
And I know

Dark clouds are forming inside
Dark clouds are inside
You can't be there for me,
So I will be there for you
I'll pick you up and take you on if you need to
And you can't be there for me,
So I will be there for you
I'll pick you up and take you on

And I know it's so hard,
Walking in these old shoes,
And I know it's not going to get easy soon
Know it's so hard,
Walking in these old shoes,
And I know
Songs list of album: Everything I've Ever Wanted to Say (200)
         Title Rating
01    Hit the Road lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Old Shoes lyrics   -
03    Fyc lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   The First Moment lyrics   -
05    Let's Go for a Ride lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   So Long (Goodbye) lyrics   -
07   I Stand Corrected lyrics   -
08   Evermore lyrics   -
09   Reviving Ophelia lyrics   -
10   Behind Closed Doors lyrics   -
11   These Scars lyrics   -
12   Lost Years lyrics   -
13   Tragedy lyrics   -
14    Different World lyrics Add lyrics   -

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