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Jebediah - Military Strongmen lyrics

I'm on parade, you don't say: why can't you see that
Keeping my feelings at bay: why can't you see that when

When you're around, you just get me down, I'm better off without you x 2
I'm just better off...

All of the years add up to: why can't you see that
Something has happened to you: why can't you see that when

When you're around, you just get me down, I'm better off without you x 4
You just get me down

It's not me, it can't be
I'd rather leave
It's getting hard, to be a part
Of what is around
Is this the situation of the time
If so you can have yours, I want mine
I know there's something better you could be
Now I am past caring, completely

When you're around, you just get me down, I'm better off without you x 4
Songs list of album: Slightly Odway (1997)
         Title Rating
01   Leaving Home lyrics   -
02   Benedict lyrics   -
03   Harpoon lyrics   -
04    Jerks of Attention lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Invaders lyrics   -
06    Spoil the Show lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Blame lyrics   -
08   Puckdefender lyrics   -
09   Lino lyrics   -
10   Military Strongmen lyrics   -
11   Teflon lyrics   -
12    Twilight : Dusk lyrics Add lyrics   -
13   La Di Da Da lyrics   -

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