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Minus the Bear - Get Me Naked 2: Electric Boogaloo lyrics

Try to get some rest,
count backward from ten.

You've gone too long without sleep.
I know you won't rest stressed, so give up, just give up.
And don't say no to pills.
Ativan won't kill.

You said, 'My life's like a bad movie,'
I said, 'Thats true of all us.'

You said, 'I've got to wake up so fucking early,'
I said, 'Maybe the director's turned on us.'

Outside the 5 sounds like the ocean,
relax, don't keep your eyes open,
don't look at the clock,
your brain will never stop.

Don't say no to pills.
Ativan won't kill.
Songs list of album: Highly Refined Pirates (2002)
         Title Rating
01   Thanks for the Killer Game of CriscoŽ Twister lyrics   -
02   Monkey!!! Knife!!! Fight!!! lyrics   -
03   Absinthe Party at the Fly Honey Warehouse lyrics   -
04   Hey, Wanna Throw Up? lyrics   -
05   Get Me Naked 2: Electric Boogaloo lyrics   -
06   We Are Not a Football Team lyrics   -
07   You Kill Bugs Good, Man lyrics   -
08   Spritz!! Spritz!!! lyrics   -
09   Women We Haven't Met Yet lyrics   -
10   Damn Bugs Whacked Him, Johnny lyrics   -
11   I Lost All My Money at the Cock Fights lyrics   -
12   Andy Wolff lyrics   -
13   Let's Play Guitar in a Five Guitar Band lyrics   -
14   Booyah Achieved lyrics   -

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