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Composer: Hot Hot Heat

Hot Hot Heat - Save Us S.O.S. lyrics

You got to
You got to
You got to
save us!
S-O-S! I'm out of gas.
I'm out out of touch.
Shipwrecked ferry... marry me -or take me out to lunch.
No, I won't be coming home.
Tell her that I still am on the road.
Make sure she knows that I would change it if I could.
There's an exit door and it won't open up for me!
There's an exit door and it won't open up!
You see? I heard a tick-tock, tick-tock, tick...
talk to you on the phone.
Ring-Ring... though I know that nobody's home.
Why not? Why not I ask? Why can't we be creative?
Why can't we be together?
Songs list of album: Make Up the Breakdown (2002)
         Title Rating
01   Naked in the City Again lyrics   -
02   No, Not Now lyrics   -
03   Get in or Get Out lyrics   -
04   Bandages lyrics  
05   Oh, Godamnit lyrics   -
06   Aveda lyrics   -
07   This Town lyrics   -
08   Talk to Me, Dance With Me lyrics   -
09   Save Us S.O.S. lyrics   -
10   In Cairo lyrics   -

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