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#  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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Composer: Hot Hot Heat

Hot Hot Heat - This Town lyrics

Gonna walk right through this town
and laugh with a crowd of strangers chasing me.
Never stop to look behind my back, so tell me what they said
because I fear my life's in danger now in this town.
How did you get to my motel -do tell soon.
Gonna walk right through this town again with a crowd of strangers
watching me, picking every little thing apart.
So, tell me what they said because I get attitude from this town
-in this town. How did you get to this town?
...Through this town?
Gonna walk right through this town again knowing that I'm only here tonight.
Never cared to stop and say hello;
so, tell me what they said because I don't have time to hang around in this town.
Maybe... maybe I should think to stay.
Maybe I won't ever return.
Maybe... maybe I should stop and play.
Gonna walk right through this town again.
But, all I know is I really should be on my way.
Wouldn't mind one more night in town.
Songs list of album: Make Up the Breakdown (2002)
         Title Rating
01   Naked in the City Again lyrics   -
02   No, Not Now lyrics   -
03   Get in or Get Out lyrics   -
04   Bandages lyrics  
05   Oh, Godamnit lyrics   -
06   Aveda lyrics   -
07   This Town lyrics   -
08   Talk to Me, Dance With Me lyrics   -
09   Save Us S.O.S. lyrics   -
10   In Cairo lyrics   -

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