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Composer: Hot Hot Heat

Hot Hot Heat - Shame on You lyrics

Shame on you for getting wet
Now who will dry your eyes?
Shame on you for getting wet
How can you act surprised?

Running with scissors wasn't smart
I tripped and cut open your heart
I didn't mean to, but I seem to
Have pushed us back to the start

In the wake of my mistake
I felt your voice starting to shake
The timing couldn't have been worse
For me to be this far away

Shame on you for getting wet
Now who will dry your eyes?
Shame on you for getting wet
How can you act surprised?

Traveled the world under your spell
Cast on me in a motel
It turned my rain clouds in to rainbows
But I couldn't even tell

As days apart turned in to weeks
My memory played hide and seek
While I was playing show n' tell
I took your trust and set it free

Shame on you for getting wet
Now who will dry your eyes?
Shame on you for getting wet
How can you act surprised?

Shame on you for getting wet
Now who will dry your eyes?
Shame on you for getting wet
Now who will dry your eyes?
Shame on you for getting wet
How can you act surprised?

Running with scissors wasn't smart
I tripped and cut open your heart
I didn't mean to, but I seem to
Have pushed us back to the start

In the wake of my mistake
I felt your voice starting to shake
The timing couldn't have been worse
For me to be this far away.
Songs list of album: Elevator (2005)
         Title Rating
01    Introduction lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Running Out of Time lyrics   -
03   Goodnight Goodnight lyrics   -
04   Ladies and Gentleman lyrics   -
05   You Owe Me an IOU lyrics   -
06   No Jokes - Fact lyrics   -
07   Jingle Jangle lyrics   -
08   Pickin' It Up lyrics   -
09   Island of the Honest Man lyrics   -
10   Middle of Nowhere lyrics   -
11   Dirty Mouth lyrics   -
12   Soldier in a Box lyrics   -
13   Shame on You lyrics   -
14   Elevator lyrics   -

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