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Composer: Hot Hot Heat

Hot Hot Heat - Ladies and Gentleman lyrics

There's a gentleman who's not so gentle cuz he's too generous with his chit and his chat
So lately we've been discussing a way to rid this disgusting example of ample gossip and gab

All we hear is La La La...

He's a gentleman who plays a caricature of a character he wishes he was
So lately we've been ignoring all his stories as we smile and nod
and let him simply do what he does
So watch out

And everybody's got the same story:
We never wanted him here
He showed up anyway
He never would leave us alone
We never wanted him here
He showed up anyway
But maybe that's ok

Soon this gentleman was barking louder when his biting harder didn't earn him respect
But lately we've been too proud to admit that we all might miss him just a bit
now that he's packed up and left
What did we do?

And everybody's got the same story:
We never wanted him here
He showed up anyway
He never would leave us alone
We never wanted him here
He showed up anyway
But maybe that's ok

We never wanted him here
He showed up anyway
He never would leave us alone
We never wanted him here
And now he's gone for good
But maybe we've made a mistake.
Songs list of album: Elevator (2005)
         Title Rating
01    Introduction lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Running Out of Time lyrics   -
03   Goodnight Goodnight lyrics   -
04   Ladies and Gentleman lyrics   -
05   You Owe Me an IOU lyrics   -
06   No Jokes - Fact lyrics   -
07   Jingle Jangle lyrics   -
08   Pickin' It Up lyrics   -
09   Island of the Honest Man lyrics   -
10   Middle of Nowhere lyrics   -
11   Dirty Mouth lyrics   -
12   Soldier in a Box lyrics   -
13   Shame on You lyrics   -
14   Elevator lyrics   -

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