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Composer: Flav Giorgini

Squirtgun - Morning Grit lyrics

Morning light burns me

through a crack in my window

Wipe that grit caught in my eye

I look in the mirror,

see a face staring back at me

Pop in my eyeballs for size

I'm running like a fan on high,

please help me find my low

Walking backwards

I smile and I see my teeth

They should be gleaming, but they're not

Squeeze the tube

Trying to find salvation

A handful of paste is what I got
Songs list of album: Squirtgun (1995)
         Title Rating
01   Long So Long lyrics   -
02   Elaine on the Brain lyrics   -
03   Allergic to You lyrics   -
04   Mr. Orange lyrics   -
05   Liar's Corner lyrics   -
06   Social lyrics   -
07   With a Grin & A Kick lyrics   -
08   Morning Grit lyrics   -
09   Less Than Nothing lyrics   -
10   Make It Up lyrics   -
11   Headache All Day lyrics   -
12   Frederick's Frost lyrics   -

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