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Composer: Ghoti Hook

Ghoti Hook - Money lyrics

my little sunshine sleeps beneath the oak
the forest denizens seem to smile
when I came near she awoke
she gazed at me with eyes of guile
we walked out to the grassy knoll
my heart runs and leaps like a deer
compared to her the fairest are droll
her singing in the breeze was all to hear, singing
I love money, money money money,
money money money, tons and tons of money,
money money money, money money money,
I love money more than my little honey

my little sunshine sleeps beneath the oak
the forest denizens seem to smile
when I came near she awoke
she gazed at me with eyes of guile
we walked out to the grassy knoll
my heart runs and leaps like a deer
compared to her the fairest are droll
her singing in the breeze was all to hear, singing
I love money, money money money,
money money money, tons and tons of money,
money money money, money money money,
I love money more than my little honey

now after hearing those words from my cutie
I was wounded and I wanted to cry
she doesn't like me or my beauty
she started singing and drew neigh
she held my hand and whispered in my ear
you're the only one for me in my life
now, how much money did you make this year
those words cut me like a butter knife
I love money, money money money,
money money money, tons and tons of money,
money money money, money money money,
I love money more than my little honey

now I was taken by a big surprise
looking at her trying to read her soul
the color of greed was in her eyes
she seemed to be under money's control
now strolling away she looked back at me
I've seen that look before
staring at her I came to *see
standing in front of her she wanted money more
Songs list of album: Sumo Surprise (1996)
         Title Rating
01   Body Juggler lyrics   -
02   Seasons lyrics   -
03   South Capitol Street lyrics   -
04   Ooklah the Punk lyrics   -
05   Tract Boy lyrics   -
06   Scared Am I lyrics   -
07   Samson lyrics   -
08   Shrinky Dinks lyrics   -
09   Spice Drops lyrics   -
10   Money lyrics   -
11   Super Sumo lyrics   -
12   Knock Knock lyrics   -
13   Dry Run lyrics   -
14   Never lyrics   -

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