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Composer: Flav Giorgini

Squirtgun - Normal Girl lyrics

She doesn't think she's special, but I know she is

And I'm so excited I feel like a litte kid

There's something about the way she holds herself

Every time I look in her eyes, I begin to melt

She's just a normal girl

There's nothing I like better than seeing her smile my way

And when she's gone, I dream of her all day

Don't know what she does, it's something I can't explain

She's so electric and racing through my brain

Can't put my finger on it, but I just don't feel the same

Like the sun cam out in the middle of the pouring rain

Sweet little nothings whispered in my ear

With her arms around me, I've got nothing to fear
Songs list of album: Another Sunny Day (1997)
         Title Rating
01   Field Trip lyrics   -
02   Mary Ann lyrics   -
03    Hey Louise lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Another Sunny Afternoon lyrics   -
05   Butterbean lyrics   -
06   So Cool lyrics   -
07   Coffee lyrics   -
08    My Jeannette lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Come on, Let's Go lyrics   -
10   Normal Girl lyrics   -
11   Without a Ticket lyrics   -
12   You're the Greatest lyrics   -

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