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Composer: Jason Schwartzman, Alex Greenwald

Phantom Planet - You're Not Welcome Here lyrics

Upon the hour of your arrival
I will draw the line
You take your side of the city
Don't set foot on mine

You told me when we met
I told you when we left
That we're through
We're through
So I thought
You knew
You disappeared
Now you're not welcome here

Across the park we used to walk through
Keep that for yourself
Well the next that heard
You wouldn't have me
That's for someone else
That is mine to keep
That is mine to keep
I know at least
I shared my keys
Made it clear
That you're not wlecome here

I told you when we met
You told me when you left
I know at least
I shared my keys
Made it clear
That you're not welcome here
You're not wlecome here
You're not wlecome here
You're not welcome here
Songs list of album: Phantom Planet (2004)
         Title Rating
01   The Happy Ending lyrics   -
02   Badd Business lyrics   -
03   Big Brat lyrics   -
04   1st Things 1st lyrics   -
05    Making a Killing lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   You're Not Welcome Here lyrics   -
07    By the Bed lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Knowitall lyrics   -
09   Jabberjaw lyrics   -
10   After Hours lyrics   -
11   The Meantime lyrics   -

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