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Composer: The Unseen

The Unseen - Never Forget lyrics

its the dead of night and she wakes up screaming
but her terror doesn't end when she's done dreaming
she recloses her eyes and all she sees is your face
bringing her back to that time and that place
when you forced your way into her front door
you took all her possessions, still you wanted more
grabbed her by the arms, forced her to the bed
you left her body but you'll never leave her head

never forget, never walk away
pain, regret, till her dying day

he was very young but he knew when to hide
he didn't recognize the smell booze
but could see it in your eyes
he swore when he was older he'd get his revenge
but he never got the chance cause you left when he was ten
now he walks the street with hatred in his eyes
a needle in his veins, a head so full of lies
all his wounds have healed, scars still mark the flesh
drugs numb the pain but he'll never forget

how do you sleep at night?
what gave you the right
destroying people's lives
only their pain will survive

never forget
Songs list of album: The Anger and The Truth (2001)
         Title Rating
01    Live in Fear lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    Something to Say lyrics Add lyrics   -
03    Give in to Hate lyrics Add lyrics   -
04    1,000 Miles lyrics Add lyrics   -
05    The Anger and the Truth lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   No Turning Back lyrics   -
07    What Happened? lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   No Master Race lyrics   -
09   Never Forget lyrics   -
10    Where Have You Gone? lyrics Add lyrics   -
11    Fight for a Better Life lyrics Add lyrics   -
12   No Evacuation lyrics   -

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