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Composer: Scott Unseen, Mark Unseen

The Unseen - Negative Outlook lyrics

I think so fucking hard my heads gonna explode.

The hate replaces blood and its al that I know.

Your words mean total nothing our existence is corruption

That's how I see it why don't you give it a try.

Sadness becomes anger and I don't know why.

I've seen so much truth theirs no more tears to cry.

It ran out years ago the wells gone dry

I no longer care and now I realize I have a

Negative outlook

That's why I have a

Negative outlook

And it wont change

Do I really care sometimes I wish I could

Then I think what I despise and it feels really good.

I wont worship false power as you destroy earth.

I don't give a dam what you say its worth.

What makes me feel this way. what have I become.

The seasons still change but the damage is done.

Its just another culture forced to die.

No cares no conscience I'm desensitized with a

Negative outlook

That's why I have a

Negative outlook

And it wont change

And that is how I realized I am negative
Songs list of album: Explode (2003)
         Title Rating
01   False Hope lyrics   -
02   Your Failure Is My Revenge lyrics   -
03   Explode lyrics   -
04   Don't Look Back lyrics   -
05   Negative Outlook lyrics   -
06   Tsunami Suicide lyrics   -
07    So Sick of You lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Remains Unseen lyrics   -
09   Fed Up lyrics   -
10   Useless Regrets lyrics   -
11   Victims lyrics   -
12   New World Disorder lyrics   -

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