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Disciple - Big Bad Wolf lyrics

touch hurts feel pain pierce me open shame

hate me I've never been hated by anyone just quite like that you do
so full of lies as you despise my breath (1 Peter 5:8)
I hate you for all you've done to me and my family
vengeance belongs to God you're underneath His feet

Lord he's coming after me save me (Matthew 1:21)

I knocked
He opened up and ran right in
now the big bad wolf will never (Matt. 11:28)
steal out of the hand of God Almighty the life that I gave to Him (John 10:28)
gone is the sin that enslaved me to this world of darkness because (Ephesians 5:8)
I knocked
He opened up and I ran right in
now the big bad wolf will never get me again

hold out in my face tempt me your blame (Matthew 4:8-11)

hate me I never been hated by anyone just quite like that you do
you always stand and accuse me to my face (Revelation 12:10)
hate you for the things that you have stole from me (John 10:10)
vengeance belongs to God you'll pay back sevenfold (Romans 12:19)

come and get me
you can't get to me
blood is over me
you can't get to me (Exodus 12:23)
underneath his wings (Psalm 17:8)
in the secret place (Psalm 27:5)
Songs list of album: This Might Sting a Little (1999)
         Title Rating
01   I Just Know lyrics   -
02   Golden Calf lyrics   -
03   Big Bad Wolf lyrics   -
04   1, 2, Conductor lyrics   -
05   Mud Puddle lyrics   -
06   Worship Conspiracy lyrics   -
07   10 Minute Oil Change lyrics   -
08   Turmoil lyrics   -
09   Hello lyrics   -
10   Bring the Heat lyrics   -
11   Bernie's Situation lyrics   -
12   Underneath lyrics   -
13   Furthermore lyrics   -

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