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Composer: Bischoff, Cinder

Tilt - Clothes Horse lyrics

I guess sometimes I'm lucky when I go, for whole days at a time without =
thinking about you, and ask myself why, but then I find I'm traveling, =
traveling down, that same old piece of road and wind up down by the =
water. Whatever happened to our walls on the pier? I cry myself alone =
all the way down to the end, I drink my bottle dry and heave it across =
the bay, to the city, smashin' outside your door. Oh now there goes the =
Romeo, hand in hand with his punk rock Juliet, they remind me of two =
people I'm trying to forget, I can hear their sweet nothings on the =
wind, as I hurry to get by, diverting my gaze, to the Oakland Bay =
Bridge. (Could that be you honey, way over on that side? Flashin' a =
signal to me, down by Pier 39, 'cause if I only knew, I'd jump in that =
water and swim right across, drowning in my relief). Maybe I should warn =
them, should I say,
Songs list of album: Collect 'Em All (1998)
         Title Rating
01   Hero Marauder lyrics   -
02   Palm Tree (In West Oakland) lyrics   -
03   Partial Birth lyrics   -
04   Old Skool Pig lyrics   -
05   Storm Center lyrics   -
06   Gun Play lyrics   -
07   Sterile Heaven lyrics   -
08   Dear Wife lyrics   -
09   Goddess of the Moon lyrics   -
10   Collect 'Em All lyrics   -
11   Tundra lyrics   -
12    Denal Wreck lyrics Add lyrics   -
13   Clothes Horse lyrics   -
14   Minister of Culture lyrics   -
15   Molly Coddled lyrics   -

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