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#  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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Composer: Dennis Jagard

Ten Foot Pole - Fiction lyrics

lifes so unfair you thought
then turned on your tv, l
ifes so unfair you sobbed,
then picked up the keys,
you locked your castle door
behind you to go for a ride,
your shiny car roars as you
think of what youve been denied,
no one understands your mind,
no one ever tried,
no one has a clue of whats behind these eyes,
and i lie, but i believe myself,
and the truth hurts more than anything else,

drowning in self-pity killing time,
it helps me to write the words,
and think about the grime,
and if you piss me off please dont apoligize,
my anger drives conviction as i proclaim these silly lies,
if you dont believe me just read between the lines,
no one has a clue of whats behind these eyes,

and i lie.
Songs list of album: Unleashed (1997)
         Title Rating
01   Fiction lyrics   -
02   John lyrics   -
03   It's Not Me lyrics   -
04   Denial lyrics   -
05   What You Want lyrics   -
06   Daddy lyrics   -
07   Damage lyrics   -
08   Too Late lyrics   -
09   Excuses lyrics   -
10    Pride and Shame lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Regret lyrics   -
12   Hey Pete lyrics   -
13   A.D.D. lyrics   -

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