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Composer: Max Huber

Swingin' Utters - This Bastard's Life lyrics

Why can't I beat the bankers
Deal then find a home to rob
Why can't I lie and cheat and steal
Who wants an honest job
And if I curse you night and day
My integrities been tried
While I waste a life away
Why don't you try and hide

The end has just begun
The end has just begun
Your life's been run
My bastard son

Why can't I turn off the light
And see I'm all alone
Why can't I change my liars
Life and find myself a home
And if I did where would I be
Lost in my due misery
So if there's truth you'd
Better keep it away from me
It away from me

So why can't I shut the
Window tight and keep the
Wind outside
And with no friends in sight
To help me fight the tides
My own rests in a hotel room
And on a switchblades knife
Why must I find the truth so
Soon and end this bastards life

The end has just begun
The end has just begun
Your life's been run
My bastard son
Songs list of album: Five Lessons Learned (1998)
         Title Rating
01   Five Lessons Learned lyrics   -
02   Tell Me Lies lyrics   -
03    A Promise to Distinction lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   The Stooge lyrics   -
05   The Picture's Perfect lyrics   -
06   This Bastard's Life lyrics   -
07   As You Start Leaving lyrics   -
08   I Need Feedback lyrics   -
09   Good People lyrics   -
10   As Sure As I'm Down lyrics   -
11   Untitled 21 lyrics   -
12   Unpopular Again lyrics   -
13   New Day Rising lyrics   -
14   Two Jacks Shitty lyrics   -
15   Fruitless Fortunes lyrics   -

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