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#  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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Composer: Rypins, Cinder Block

Tilt - One Day lyrics

You'd be a cop if you weren't a punk infact I think you'd make a better =
cop! They could use you, you've got no remorse, they could use you on =
the police force! You'd be cute all dressed in blue, you could brutalize =
anyone right on cue, you'd abuse those who are weak of course, they =
could use you on the police force. Sign up right now! For the academy, =
you'd fit in so perfectly, sign up right now for the academy you're just =
old skool pig!!!! Think how you could fuck shit up, you could heft your =
power like a club!!! An arrogant fool with authority you'd cross over so =
Submitted by: Mel
Songs list of album: Play Cell (1993)
         Title Rating
01    Cying Jag lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   White Homes lyrics   -
03   Dead Bum lyrics   -
04   Play Cell lyrics   -
05   Fool to Blame lyrics   -
06   Locust lyrics   -
07   Small Bills lyrics   -
08   Yellow Bellies lyrics   -
09   One Day lyrics   -
10   Come Across lyrics   -
11   Idiot Lips lyrics   -
12   Unlucky Lounge lyrics   -
13   Bad Seed lyrics   -
14   Poor Infant lyrics   -

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