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Composer: Dennis Jagard

Ten Foot Pole - World's Best Dad lyrics

They tell you there were better days
You can't remeber through the haze
This is the only life you've ever known
They sigh and talk about fist fights
When you could go to sleep at night
Without avengers tearing out your wishbone
You pray to god and wonder just who's up there
What kind of father would leave his kids alone
In a world where you're lucky if your mom cares
Hordes of people call the street their homes
They want to take away the guns
You want to get some bigger ones
Your defense is up to you alone
They think that they can stop the heat
But they don't understand the street
You don't want your girl crying on your tombstone
Living in that memory
Don't understand what they see
So they pay cops to make it yesterday
You can't push back the hands of time
You want to know and keep on trying
Do your best to stay out of their way
Songs list of album: Rev (1994)
         Title Rating
01   Never Look Back lyrics   -
02   My Wall lyrics   -
03   Old Man lyrics   -
04   Fade Away lyrics   -
05   World's Best Dad lyrics   -
06   Co-Song lyrics   -
07    Closer to Gray lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Final Hours lyrics   -
09   Muffled lyrics   -
10   Broken Bubble lyrics   -
11    Dying Duck in a Thunder Storm lyrics Add lyrics   -
12    Think of Tomorrow lyrics Add lyrics   -
13   Pete's Farm lyrics   -

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