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Strung Out - Barfly lyrics

One more fix just a little bit
of that heaven I found crawling in the sun
sitting, waiting, calling me
to indulge in this game that'll set me free.

Another wasted night and here I am again
promises remain just promises and I don't know why
A moment of weakness is a moment of clarity
I know what I want
Why fight the temptation when it's all you've got
when it's all I've ever known.

So I give in to the old ways of the past to start this off
Once again I drown myself, delivering from all I gained
Lies to myself won't seem to justify the means
I've got no time to listen to your good advice
I'm doin just fine, down on my own down here.

I know one day this dance will bring me to my knees
it's only a matter of time before I fall again but that's alright.
It's the little things in life that always
mean the most to me anyway,
so what if I go with a little piece of heaven
to take the edge away.

Just like the living dead I walk around this place
it's not too bad here it really clouds
over piece of mind I never had
Call it escape from reality,
I call it lookin at the world
with both eyes open wide to the truth

I wanna be found smilin when I die here
I wanna burn my eyes out on the sun
In heavens basement you're the one that killed me first
another endless night goes down

One more fix just a little bit
of that heaven I found crawlin in the sun
sittin, waitin, callin me to indulge in this game
that'll set me free, a moment of weakness is all
I've got and it's all I've ever known
another wasted night and here I am.
Songs list of album: Live in a Dive (2003)
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