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Ann Beretta - Tommy Gunn lyrics

There was a riot inside that took us by surprise, But you can't say it's something we choose to leave behind, Some came running, I know what else was done, When you can't see something, You know what I have done. I know someone who never should have gone, And there's a riot inside tonight!! I know someone who never should have gone, And there's a riot inside tonight!! A riot inside tonight, A riot inside tonight. A riot inside that teaches all a lie, But you can't stretch the truth, When choose to step aside, Some came running, I know what else was done, When you try to lose something, That you know is on the run. I know someone who never should have gone, And there's a riot inside tonight!! I know someone who never should have gone, And there's a riot inside tonight!! A riot inside tonight, A riot inside tonight. A riot inside that teaches all a lie, But you can't stretch the truth, When choose to step aside, Some came running, I know what else was done, When you try to lose something, That you know is on the run. I know someone who never should have gone, And there's a riot inside tonight!! I know someone who never should have gone, And there's a riot inside tonight!! A riot inside tonight, A riot inside tonight, A riot inside tonight, A riot inside tonight.
Songs list of album: Bitter Tongues (2000)
         Title Rating
01   Forever Family lyrics   -
02   Fuel lyrics   -
03   FM lyrics   -
04   Dirty Faces lyrics   -
05   Mr. Bowling lyrics   -
06   Wasteland lyrics   -
07   Broadway lyrics   -
08    Bottle Caps lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   St. Marks lyrics   -
10   MCA lyrics   -
11   Shovel lyrics   -
12   Costello lyrics   -
13   Hate Mail lyrics   -
14   Tommy Gunn lyrics   -
15   Spite lyrics   -
16   Mary lyrics   -
17   Baker St. lyrics   -
18    Effors lyrics Add lyrics   -
19   Crash lyrics   -

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