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Composer: John E. Trash, Ian Cone

Home Grown - Ubotherme lyrics

You drive me up the fucking wall,
I can't stand you anymore.
I don't want to talk to you,
I'd rather be ignored.
Your mom's a bitch. Your dad's a jerk.
And you're a nasty whore.

I'm sick of all the things you do,
I can't stand you anymore.
Your breath is fucking stinky, and your body smelly.
Smoking all your cigarettes, you're gonna burn in hell.
You're a fucking loser, you're always getting stoned.

Masturbating in your bedroom, when you're all alone.
Well, I don't want your money.
I don't want you around.
I don't need your fucking company.
Because you bother me.
You're so damn annoying.
Irritating you are.
You're so irritating,

Whenever you start yelling, my ears begin to bleed.
I don't wanna listen, but you will never leave.
You are my ball
Songs list of album: That's Business (1995)
         Title Rating
01    Get a Job lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   The Hearing Song lyrics   -
03   She Said... lyrics   -
04   My Friends Suck lyrics   -
05   Alternative Girl lyrics   -
06   Wanna-Be lyrics   -
07   Surfer Girl lyrics   -
08   Ubotherme lyrics   -
09    Face in the Crowd lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   I Hate Myself lyrics   -
11   One Night Stand lyrics   -
12   Impotency lyrics   -
13   Worthless lyrics   -
14   Employer's Market lyrics   -
15   S.F.L.B. lyrics   -

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