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Birds of Prey - Murder of an off Duty Cop lyrics

Poking around where you didn't belong
you got your badge now, you ain't welcome anymore
Back in school we was cool but them days are gone
You went your way and I wnet mine
Coming to my house when you weren't invited to
Gettin gucked up and making a scene
I tried letting you off light and asking you to leave
But you puled that cop bullshit and I ain't got time
On my property, high as hell, I went and got my gun
And told you to fuck off once and for all
The damn thing went off. Girls screamed and there was blood everywhere
What have I done? [3X]
Branded a cop killer
I'm stuck being a hero in the joint
That don't get me anywehre and I'm in here for life
I just want you to know I blame you for all of this
I'm in a cage and yo're in a hole
Surely there was a better way
But that cocksure swatter of yours, and my eight ball fuelled short fuse
Couldn't look past, sometimes I sihed I had
Live an dlearn that's what they say
That trip you made to the academy
Left you a shell of thte man I know you used to be
I drug your ass in the woods and put you in a three-foot hole
I did your ass a favor
You'd already sold your soul
Songs list of album: Weight of the Wound (2006)
         Title Rating
01   Mangled by Mongoloids (Ripped Apart by the Retarded) lyrics  
02   Hustling the Coroner (To Overlook the Strychnine) lyrics   -
03   Buttfucked with a Shotgun Barrel lyrics  
04   Landfill Burial lyrics   -
05   Filthfarm of Washington State lyrics   -
06   Front Lawn Filled with Family Members lyrics   -
07   Murder of an off Duty Cop lyrics   -
08   The Old Lady Rots (But the Checks Keep Coming) lyrics   -
09   Coke Mule lyrics   -
10   To Kill a Co-Worker (You Ain't My Fucking Boss Man) lyrics  

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To Kill a Co-Worker (You Ain't My Fucking Boss Man) lyrics
Buttfucked with a Shotgun Barrel lyrics
Mangled by Mongoloids (Ripped Apart by the Retarded) lyrics

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