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Birds of Prey - Hustling the Coroner (To Overlook the Strychnine) lyrics

Hey Mr. Body man
Help a brother if you can
When you wake and go to work
My wife will be there on you board
Im sorry for breaking in
But we had to talk man to man
I realize it's ethically improper
But you're gonna hear my fuckin goffer
I wanted to meet you prior to dawn
To explain why she had to die and I fed her thepoison
It's the emergency that occurred to me
She was ripped on the bathtub meth again
Strange condom lying in our bed
I forced her jaws open and filler her mouth with poison
She thought it was a joke
Then it burned through er throat
The cause of death is bovious
I need you to be oblivious
Ger her cleaned up and into the ground
Then I'll return your wife and childrn
Work with me doc and this will be over soon
The hole in my property could hold all of you
Sorry we had to meet like this
All bundled safe in your bed
Attention to detail is my thing
With my awed off resting in your mouth
Any deviation from these instructions will be met with their torture and penetration
Watch her gag, watch her gag
Stop your fucking crying, making my fingers itch
I'll kill all of you and then myself
Songs list of album: Weight of the Wound (2006)
         Title Rating
01   Mangled by Mongoloids (Ripped Apart by the Retarded) lyrics  
02   Hustling the Coroner (To Overlook the Strychnine) lyrics   -
03   Buttfucked with a Shotgun Barrel lyrics  
04   Landfill Burial lyrics   -
05   Filthfarm of Washington State lyrics   -
06   Front Lawn Filled with Family Members lyrics   -
07   Murder of an off Duty Cop lyrics   -
08   The Old Lady Rots (But the Checks Keep Coming) lyrics   -
09   Coke Mule lyrics   -
10   To Kill a Co-Worker (You Ain't My Fucking Boss Man) lyrics  

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Mangled by Mongoloids (Ripped Apart by the Retarded) lyrics

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