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Composer: Mark Rivers, Todd Spahr, Brian Stevens

The Cavedogs - Baba Ghanooj lyrics

If they right to make me wrong
Would you learn to hate me
Cut my ties or change my song
Would you move to save me

Caught in a bind that I'm bound to come back to
Here as I lay down to die
In my bed of nails

Could you stand to watch me crawl
Would you move to help me
Turn your back or break my fall
Save my name or sell me

Caught in a lie that I'm bound to come back to
Here as I lay down to die
In my bed of nails
In my bed of nails

You lean upon me like the weight of the world
And it's bound to make me change
And roll me over as we lie in the bed
Wide awake
But I can't make it up
(Instrumental Break)

Envision the crimes that I'm bound to wake up to
Here as I lay down to die
In my bed of nails
In my bed of nails
In my bed

Tie my shoes and tie my tie
Tie my arms behind me
Tie my shoes and tie my tie
Tie my arms behind me
Tie my shoes and tie my tie
Tie my arms behind me
Songs list of album: Joyrides for Shut-Ins (1990)
         Title Rating
01   Tayter Country lyrics   -
02   Leave Me Alone lyrics  
03    Bed of Nails lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Proud Land lyrics   -
05    What in the World? lyrics Add lyrics   -
06    Right on the Nail lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Step Down lyrics   -
08   Baba Ghanooj lyrics   -
09   Calm Him Down lyrics   -
10   Taking Up Space lyrics   -
11   La La La lyrics   -

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