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Composer: Amanda Kravat

Marry Me Jane - Lousy Lullaby lyrics

You know he dreams about tornadoes, tumbleweeds, and hurricanes
I could blame it on his halos always getting in the way
(If I'd known his wings were crooked I'd have pressed them into shape)
Hopped a greyhound left his hometown population 1726 and change
For 60 bucks a broken suitcase his bad luck was my lucky day
Kinda thought we had a mess of time
I mistook him for a guy I knew with his shabby hat and his southern eyes
When he played he chipped a piece of me away I stood there hypnotized
Here's a lousy lullaby
Are you warm in winter are there still planets in your eyes?
I'm your ivory valentine
May the angels keep you laughing do I have to be alright?
I thought we had a mess of time
Dammit how could I?
If I seem a little scatttered there's an empty place
Where something used to beat
Definitly shattered like some stupid piece of china
How pathetic of me
Here's a lousy lullaby
I practice every day so I can keep you memorized
I'm your heartless valentine
May God forgive me I wish you'd melted in some other sucker's lousy lullaby
Songs list of album: Marry Me Jane (1996)
         Title Rating
01    Twenty-One lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Misunderstood lyrics   -
03   Bad Loser lyrics   -
04   You Didn't Kiss Me lyrics   -
05   Tabitha lyrics   -
06   Athena lyrics   -
07   Ordinary lyrics   -
08   Who's Leaving Who lyrics   -
09   Candy lyrics   -
10   Positive lyrics   -
11   Secretly Waiting lyrics   -
12    Ashes & Stone lyrics Add lyrics   -
13   Lousy Lullaby lyrics   -

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