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Composer: Amanda Kravat

Marry Me Jane - Positive lyrics

I got your message, couldn't call you back
I was busy getting you off my mind
I saw your girlfriend, I think she thinks I want you back
God you surely take your time
I don't want to be in your fantasy
I wish you'd move to China or the moon

Capital P
You don't belong to me

I'm kind of scattered like the pieces of a puzzle
But our pieces never seem to fit and I talk to the mirror
Looking deep into my eyes but I only see this
Don't want to be in your diary
I didn't mean it when I wished you away

Capital P
You were meant to be

You're the reason the stars always shine
And I believed it when you said you'd always be mine
I heard a rumor that you still talk about me
Makes me wanna cry
And I like your girlfriend, she could almost be my sister
Damn I wanna die
Don't want to be in your fantasy
I wish you'd move to China or the moon

Capital P
You were meant for me
Songs list of album: Marry Me Jane (1996)
         Title Rating
01    Twenty-One lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Misunderstood lyrics   -
03   Bad Loser lyrics   -
04   You Didn't Kiss Me lyrics   -
05   Tabitha lyrics   -
06   Athena lyrics   -
07   Ordinary lyrics   -
08   Who's Leaving Who lyrics   -
09   Candy lyrics   -
10   Positive lyrics   -
11   Secretly Waiting lyrics   -
12    Ashes & Stone lyrics Add lyrics   -
13   Lousy Lullaby lyrics   -

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