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Composer: Balin, J., Amanda Kravat

Marry Me Jane - Misunderstood lyrics

I'm not courageous I'm everything that they say
Fame is outrageous I'm really wasting away
I'm your man I'm your genie I'm your junkie
I'm your man I'm your maybe I'm your must be
Life's a little to intense
I'm a little too in pieces
If I could I would act like I should act
Little misunderstood
Rumors are dangerous
Don't believe what they say
I'm not contagious
In time it will fade
I'm your man I'm your monkey I'm your magic
I'm your man I'm your memory I'm your static
Life's a little too intense
I am less than perfect
The world is too immense
I'm a little too in pieces
If I could I would act like I should act
Little misunderstood
Little misunderstood
These four walls
Scream like sirens
Damn this neighborhood
I'm so good
Life's a little too intense
I'm a little too in pieces
If I could I would act like I should act
Little misunderstood
Little misunderstood
Songs list of album: Marry Me Jane (1996)
         Title Rating
01    Twenty-One lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Misunderstood lyrics   -
03   Bad Loser lyrics   -
04   You Didn't Kiss Me lyrics   -
05   Tabitha lyrics   -
06   Athena lyrics   -
07   Ordinary lyrics   -
08   Who's Leaving Who lyrics   -
09   Candy lyrics   -
10   Positive lyrics   -
11   Secretly Waiting lyrics   -
12    Ashes & Stone lyrics Add lyrics   -
13   Lousy Lullaby lyrics   -

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