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Composer: Sicko

Sicko - Spider lyrics

Coming in out of the heat, a spider crawled across my feet
it took my by surprise I jumped so high
it does not understand my fear
I can't explain what I just did
it's been with me since I was a kid
nursery rhymes instilled
along came a spider, sat down beside her
and whispered in her ear

If you've got sense enough to know
you've got somewhere else to go
I wish that you had sense enough
to go there

It's all I can do to not overreact
pick you up in a special glass
kept handy for the occasion
I call it spider transportation
You may not want to go outside
if you don't appreciate the ride
then I wouldn't go next door if I were you
you'll wind up flat on someone's floor

If you've got sense enough to know
you've got somewhere else to go
I wish that you had sense enough
to go there
Songs list of album: You Can Feel the Love in This Room (1994)
         Title Rating
01   Where I Live lyrics   -
02   Beam Me Up Denny lyrics   -
03   Your Wake lyrics   -
04   Wisdom Tooth Weekend lyrics   -
05   My Son lyrics   -
06   The Sprinkler lyrics   -
07   Kenny lyrics   -
08   Ouch lyrics   -
09    Me and Carl lyrics Add lyrics   -
10    On the Clock lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Sprawling lyrics   -
12   Country lyrics   -
13   Spider lyrics   -
14   Attention Span lyrics   -
15   You Gotta lyrics   -
16   Ya Ya lyrics   -
17    Closer to Fine lyrics Add lyrics   -

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