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Composer: David Morrison, Randy Cheek, Chuck Cleaver, John Erhardt

Ass Ponys - Peanut '93 lyrics

Peanut rides his bike around
The drive-in in the daytime
Bagging trash and hanging up
The speakers on their poles
When he finds a bottle
He imagines women drinking from it
What it looked like, how it sounded
Trickling down their throats
Peanut has a brother, lost his father
Hardly sees his mother
Once a month he visits
At her trailer near the lake
Sometimes when it's not too humid
Chances are you'll catch him spearing
Shiners in the spill-way
With a nail on a stick
Peanut knows a guy
His name is Mike, he's not too bright
He says he'll suck you for a cigarette
Down underneath the bridge
This very thought disgusts him
"I don't see how you could trust him."
He says, "If I get my pecker sucked,
It sure won't be by him."
Songs list of album: Electric Rock Music (1994)
         Title Rating
01   Grim lyrics   -
02   Little Bastard lyrics   -
03   Ape Hanger lyrics   -
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05   Lake Brenda lyrics   -
06   Wall Eyed Girl lyrics   -
07   Live Until I Die lyrics   -
08   Peanut '93 lyrics   -
09   Banlon Shirt lyrics   -
10   Gypped lyrics   -
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