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#  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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Composer: Sarah Dougher

Sarah Dougher - Day One lyrics

Day one the first day, she always wants it,
she always wants to say,
it was the first day,
started bad and ended worse,
trade the cure in for a curse.

This is where I used to stand,
this is where I used to call,
this is the bus I used to ride,
sleeping all the way home.

Day one the first day, she always wants it,
she always wants to say,
it was the first day,
started bad and ended worse,
trade the cure in for a curse.

This is where I used to live and
this is how I used to get along,
I don't know what day it is now,
I don't know what day it is.

I'm stealing, don't tell on me,
I'm stealing back to the same old used to be.
I'm stealing, don't tell on me,
I'm stealing back to the same old used to be.

Day one the first day, she can barely remember,
barely remember wanting it.

Maybe the first day will never come again.
Songs list of album: Day One (1999)
         Title Rating
01   Hold the Bar lyrics   -
02   Everywhere West lyrics   -
03   Girl in New Orleans lyrics  
04   Moving lyrics   -
05   Day One lyrics   -
06   Art Lover lyrics   -
07   40 Hours lyrics  
08   Secret Porno Collector lyrics   -
09   Drunk #1 lyrics   -
10    Take It to the Limit lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Bella Abzug lyrics   -
12   Summer lyrics   -

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