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Composer: New End Original

New End Original - Titanic lyrics

Two easy over. A greasy spoon.
Flies shit wherever they land
I overheard that, I made a smile
We eat whatever we can.

Could you see beauty in long simple faces?
Weighted down, waving while they're drowing

"Congratulations, you won the world"
What would you do with it then?
Would you decorate it, surrender or burn it and start it again?

Could you see beauty in long simple faces?
Weighted down, waving while they're drowning

Could you find beauty in sun, shining over, raining down?
Waving while they're drowning
waving while they're drowning
waving while they're drowning

Congratuations, you won the world.
Songs list of album: Thriller (2001)
         Title Rating
01   Lukewarm lyrics   -
02   14-41 lyrics   -
03   Hostage lyrics   -
04   Leper Song lyrics   -
05   Titanic lyrics   -
06   Better Than Ever lyrics   -
07   Weary Progress lyrics   -
08    #1 Defender lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Halo lyrics   -
10   The Name lyrics   -
11   Better Than This lyrics   -

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