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Composer: Kevin Devine

Kevin Devine - Thanks lyrics

I never knew things could be so slow

I could wait so long

Be so still and calm

And get where I want, on your arm

Thin streaks of tar spill off your right eye

Where my fingers find

Their way there every night we sleep side by side

Your hands in mine

When you get here, it's so nice

It's just the part where you leave I don't like

Such a happy accident

A note in your sneaker at 10 in the morning

And all of my worry that you were offended

And the catch in my breath when you weren't

It's like I woke up and got handed a present

And I'm thanking you for it
Songs list of album: Make the Clocks Move (2003)
         Title Rating
01   Ballgame lyrics   -
02   Wolf's Mouth lyrics   -
03    Noose Dressed Like a Necklace lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Not Over You Yet lyrics   -
05   A Flatline Blur lyrics   -
06   Whistling Dixie lyrics   -
07   People Are So Fickle lyrics   -
08   Marie lyrics   -
09   Country Sky Glow lyrics   -
10   Longer That I'm Out Here lyrics   -
11   Tapdance lyrics   -
12   You're My Incentive lyrics   -
13   Splitting Up Christmas lyrics   -
14   Thanks lyrics   -

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