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Composer: Paris, Rozz Williams, Ryan Gaumer

Rozz Williams - Maggot Drain lyrics

This is the end of the line/road come to a close
Muted vision of the dead blends
exhaustively with the wretched night
that binds it, blinds us in wanton light,
A flight not so easily ignored by
those in whose arms death waits,
These are the nights of wasted bones,
Traced footsteps in mud
The dull thud of laughter caught in
leprous waves crashed without mercy
As a reminder of a spent future, lost past, a void existence
Time and again
Wind blown, sky scatters, embryo in flames

But will it always incur so much unwarranted pain?
Clouds ripped open by a band of sleepless
Souls intervening from the other side of life,
Throats cut like sacrificial lambs at
The demon's altar
The seemingly endless invasions by hugh, staring monsters
(those who go nameless among the largely unwanted masses)
occur every day
I pass them by
those gayly painted runners in this mad dash to nowhere fast
At last a slight relief from those
strangely demented eyes...
Seething, beaming wildly in lonesome sunset
to down
Maggot-drain-brain-crabs/insect-larvae-sex-death strutter
In the same breath, dusted nectar of heart's blood gone to rust
And I trust you've felt the same sharp, telling pinpricks as our minds digress/regress
Transformation into a new you must take place
like a pelt worn over milky skin and alabaster sheets
Rolling off an unmade bed in bliss and the
Devil's shattered kiss
You gyrate for a dead world, try to raise
erections from its corpse
Roll over and bite hard on that dead meat
Beat it over and over again
Well it has been a conscious decision on my part
to betray those digressions, although as you can see, I sometimes fail
And lest I forget what brought me to the first and last,
it was orgasmic rush, hope, and trust like flies with wings removed
Paralyzed parasite that I have set my gaze upon,
how quickly you lose what I was craving
Raving mad and pleased to meat you
.......Catch as catch can........
Songs list of album: Whorse's Mouth (1997)
         Title Rating
01    Temptation lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    Life Is But a Dream lyrics Add lyrics   -
03    Raped lyrics Add lyrics   -
04    Who's in Charge Here? (Beneath the Triumph of Shadows) lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   A Fire of Uncommon Velocity lyrics  
06    Her Only Sin lyrics Add lyrics   -
07    Interlude lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    A Brother of Low Degree lyrics Add lyrics   -
09    Dear Skin lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   Maggot Drain lyrics  
11    Dec. 30, 1334 lyrics Add lyrics   -
12    Best of the Breed lyrics Add lyrics   -

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