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Composer: Marty Willson-Piper

Marty Willson-Piper - You Whisper lyrics

Thunder opens its throat
Lets out the roar of rain
Soaked I clench my overcoat
And come up to see you again.
Your smoothly sculptured neck
The trapped curving tongue
Your cage of a mouth springs open
And throws out the seeds of a song.
They grow and flower
And hour after hour.
Blessed velvet.
You whisper
The world a slave to your look
Your shapely almond tears
Your marzipan skin in a crystal stare
Your chocolate box of fears

The load off my mind
The pointed beating pulse
Stabbing instead my thumping
This famousness is false
You glow and glint
I blink you winked
Ice polished silk
You whisper.
Songs list of album: Art Attack (1988)
         Title Rating
01   O'Stockholm lyrics   -
02   Water lyrics   -
03   She's King lyrics   -
04   Too Round to Be Square lyrics   -
05   You Whisper lyrics   -
06   Fear lyrics   -
07   Evil Queen of England lyrics   -
08   On the Tip of My Tongue lyrics   -
09   Listen/Space lyrics   -
10    Frightened Just Because of You lyrics Add lyrics   -
11    White Spots on My Jupiter Finger, Jupiter Blue on My White Shirt lyrics Add lyrics   -
12   Word lyrics   -
13   Ah Stockholm lyrics   -
14   Winter Splinter Bay lyrics   -
15   The Lantern lyrics   -
16   I Know I Won't lyrics   -
17   Night Is Over lyrics   -
18   Velvet Fuselage lyrics   -
19   How Come They Don't Touch the Ground lyrics   -

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