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#  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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Composer: Crematory

Crematory - Revolution lyrics

They'll never stop our will to live

free from pain and fear

they cannot bring us down

all your gird

go out and justify the revolution

The beginning of the age - to start revolution

now break and leave their cage - time for revolution

take those traitors away from us - and start revolution

giving back belief and trust - so live the revolution

This reign of fear built of not ending empty promises

strange liars old betrayers because they've failed the aim

there is just one world we live in - justify the revolution

Teaching mankind to fight each other (never again)

but would you like to kill your brother?

never - never again

The beginning of the age - to start revolution

now break and leave their cage - time for revolution

take those traitors away from us - and start revolution

giving back belief and trust - so live the revolution

It's time for - so start a - and live the - revolution

it's time for - so start a - and live the - revolution
Songs list of album: Revolution (2004)
         Title Rating
01   Resurrection lyrics   -
02   Wake Up lyrics   -
03   Greed lyrics   -
04   Reign of Fear lyrics   -
05   Open Your Eyes lyrics   -
06   Tick Tack lyrics   -
07   Angel of Fate lyrics   -
08   Solitary Psycho lyrics   -
09   Revolution lyrics   -
10   Human Blood lyrics   -
11   Red Sky lyrics   -
12   Farewell Letter lyrics   -
13   Revolution [Video Clip] lyrics   -

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